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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hey Me! Welcome to Your New Blog! Gee Thanks Me, You Rock!

If your reading the title of my blog and then looking at the background image, then I can imagine that the only thought running through your mind right now is how big of a pot head is this guy? Or, oh no he's one of those hippie's that learned how to use a computer internet machine...I don't know which is worse? But take a breathe Mom, I'm not a pothead. And I hate the smell of Buses, plus my knee's don't fit in the seats, so Hippie isn't really an option for me...
I think this is the literal interpretation of a pothead. According to this picture, if you smoke pot then you are a corporate pawn working in what looks like a post apocalyptic industrial revolution. OH, and your super depressed.

They smell, They love drugs, and they love Buses...
I landed on the title with one simple thought: Who doesn't like Space, Dragons, and an array of colors? (Hint: No One, Minus Idiots) Plus if you think about it, Space is infinite, Dragons are myths (Unless your a hippie, pothead, or Harry Potter), and Colors are fundamental, which is pretty much what I wanted this blog to be; a combination of all three of these things. Infinamentalyth. Genius.

That being said...

I will be throwing up random thoughts and articles whenever I can on this blog, about whatever I can. I hope you guys enjoy this, as much as I'm sure I will. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!

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